Sunday, March 13, 2016


Mary washing Jesus feet with expensive perfume was an extravagant act.  Mary needed to show her love for Jesus.  It was all about her relationship with him.  What is our relationship with Jesus?  There is nothing more important.  It will never be taken from us.  It was promised at your baptism.  God, says - with whom I am well pleased.  What small extravagant act can you perform?  God has given us so many gifts, what can you give back?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Rock and Roll

Heard a powerful song by Cody Jinks called Rock and Roll.  The song is about certain things he doesn't want or need anymore - Rock and Roll and whiskey.  Also, he also doesn't want to miss his loved one anymore.

The songwriter has reassessed his priorities in life and made a decision to make some changes.  At least not the way I did back before, that life tried to kill me and to tell the truth it never thrilled me.  I don't mean to disappoint you, but there's a chance I going to.  Many times we may have felt this way, but we go back to the old behavior.

Do you think he will make it?  Will he get rid of the whiskey and the lifestyle, will he get his lady back?  He wants to, but does he have to the willpower and the support?  What if his lady doesn't want HIM anymore?  He needs to do this for himself.

He mentions that the crowd around him won't be as big and some won't like him as well, I hope he has the sense to disregard those thoughts.  If they care about him, they will appreciate his situation and support him getting healthy.  He can't worry about them, he has to worry about himself.

The 12 Steps are needed here very much in my opinion...

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Minnesota isn't about marketing and promotion; it's about real people who live in a lovely place among rivers and lakes, with majestic prairies and woodlands, in a culture that values decency and progressive thinking, which means we intend to pass this culture on to our children.  Garrison Keillor.  

Friday, November 15, 2013


We are church shopping and I was very impressed with a sermon I heard.  The Pastor talked about a big study that was done regarding weight loss and a book that was written stating the study results.

Pastor asked if we could guess what some of the findings were.  We said good diet, exercise, sleep and don't smoke.  The finding were the same as our guesses - common sense really...

Same with being a Christian, we know what we're supposed to do - and these things aren't optional people!!

Great message I thought.  


Pastor Joel talked about the 4 things that affect a plane: lift, thrust, weight & drag.  Joel said we should surround ourselves with lifters and thrusters and stay away from weights and drags.  What if important people close to you are weights and drags?  Are we ready to make those hard choices?  Joel said these people are keeping us from God's best.


The nephew of Clarence Clemons - who has stepped into the big shoes of his uncle - said that Uncle Clarence was always "invested" in his life.  This got me to thinking, am I invested in the lives of the people I care about?  No, certainly not to the degree I should be.  What will I do about this?